Tomato Hybrid
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Description: ‘Fla. 8153’ is a fresh market tomato hybrid to be marketed and sold under the brand name Tasti-Lee®. Tasti-Lee® has high lycopene content and an attractive, deep red color. Flavor is superior to most commercially available tomato cultivars based on the results of seven experienced sensory panels, a consumer panel, and numerous samplings from field trials. Environmental conditions have a large impact on tomato flavor and the strength of this hybrid is its ability to produce fruit with good flavor under a wide range of growing conditions. This feature, along with reliable yields of firm, marketable fruit, should allow for branding of vine ripe harvested fruit with consistent quality that will attract repeat purchasing in the supermarket. Tasti-Lee® should also be popular in upscale restaurants.
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License Availability: FFSP has exclusively licensed the following entity for the propagation of the Tasti-Lee® ‘Fla. 8153’ tomato cultivar:
Bejo Seeds, Inc.