- Seed Size: Medium
- Pod Yield Potential: Excellent
- Market Type: Runner
- Maturity: Approximately 140 days under irrigation
Description: FloRun™ ‘52N’, released January 2023, was tested over a five-year period for its yield and grade potential and was found to have excellent pod yield potential and high grades. In 27 experiments across Florida, FloRun™ ‘52N’ was found to have approximately 4.5% higher yield than ‘Georgia-06G’, the dominant normal oleic cultivar grown today, with equal grade of about 77% total sound mature kernels (TSMK). It also has moderate resistance to tomato spotted wilt virus and better resistance to white mold disease than ‘Georgia-06G’.
To view the Peanut Variety Fact Sheet for FloRun™ ‘52N’, please click here.
License Availability: FFSP has non-exclusively licensed the following entities for the production and commercialization of the ‘FloRun™ ‘52N’ peanut cultivar:
- Birdsong Peanuts http://www.birdsong-peanuts.com/
- Candler Peanut, Inc https://candlerpeanut.com/
- Golden Peanut Company, LLC www.goldenpeanut.com
- Sessions Company, Inc https://sessionspeanuts.net
- Shann Peanut Company